Wednesday, December 24, 2008

General architecture

VIPER includes network facilities for testing, a speech data repository that contains voice files, facilities for capturing subjective data, and scripts for the analysis of this gathered subjective data. Before the data can be collected and analyzed from VIPER, certain parameters are specified such as the architectural issues that could affect end-to-end subjective performance, such as bandwidth allocation, prioritization schemes, etc. The network facilities along with certain configuration parameters combine to create a test scenario. Untrained listeners had participated in these test scenarios.The repeated exercise of the VIPER realization with multiple listeners can produce statistically meaningful insights into VoIP QoS. Thus, a significant benefit of the globally organized and integrated VIPER environment is, test-specific QoS parameters can be applied to the network elements. These parameters in effect transport, prioritize, and differentiate the service between the test data and/or noise traffic through the network.

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